Open Tender - Creative Marketing & PR Services

Open Tender - Creative Marketing & PR Services

Hong Kong Design Centre (HKDC) is now inviting tenders for the provision of Creative Marketing & PR Services for RedBall Hong Kong that will be organised in December 2024 in Hong Kong. RedBall Hong Kong, supported by HKSAR Government, is a creative tourism project aiming to uphold Hong Kong as a locals and tourists’ beloved world-class city, a mega event capital in Asia, as well as an East-meets-West Centre for International Arts, Cultural and Creative Exchange.

Services include:

     • Overall Branding & Marketing Strategy

     • Sponsorship & Brand Collaboration

     • Photo Competition & Exhibition

     • Media Buy

     • Video & Photography Services

     • Public Relations

     • Social Media Plan and Content Management

Interested parties please submit the following in two separate emails to

1.written proposal and company profile with the email subject: ‘Technical Proposal – Provision of Creative Marketing & PR Services for RedBall HK’ quotation with the email subject: ‘Financial Quotation – Provision of Creative Marketing & PR Services for RedBall HK’

The two emails must reach the above email address on or before 5pm on 12 July 2024 (Fri). Late submissions will NOT be considered.

Read tender details here

For enquiries, please contact Ms Candy Yuen by phone (+852 3793 8471) or by email (

The submission of tender does not confer any right or obligation on the submitting party in relation to any future tender exercise.

Activity Information

Tentative Project Milestones
12 July  2024 
By 5pm
Deadline for Submission  of  Proposal &  Quotation
23 July 2024 
Vetting Meeting with Presentation of the Shortlisted Tenderers 
(Shortlisted tenderers will receive an email notification)
Late-July 2024
Announcement of tender result (Appointed company will receive an email notification)
Aug to Dec 2024  
Launch of the project

Activity information

About RedBall HK

To celebrate the relaunch of Hong Kong, the Government supports Hong Kong Design Centre to organise two creative tourism projects in 2024, featuring two international design projects, namely Chubby Hearts (14 to 24 February 2024) and RedBall (6 to 15 December 2024) respectively.

In this tender, the Service Provider is being engaged for the launch of RedBall Hong Kong. RedBall Hong Kong aims to uphold Hong Kong as a locals and tourists’ beloved world-class city, a mega event capital in Asia, as well as an East-meets-West Centre for International Arts, Cultural and Creative Exchange.

RedBall Hong Kong

Event date: 6 to 15 December 2024 (Friday to Sunday, 10 days)
