「Confluence • 20+」设计展

「Confluence • 20+」设计展

Confluence • 20+ 设计展匯聚了多位来自不同界别的本地设计翘楚,带领参观者走进香港多元共生的创意生态。展览已先后於米兰、香港及首尔登陆。芝加哥作為展览的终站,将继续展出二十个跨界合作及设计硏究项目,向参观者展示香港设计师匠心独运的视野。

更多详情请瀏览 http://confluence20.hk/。

Activity information

日期:  10月14日-11月05日

时间: 週二至六: 正午12时至下午7时
        週一及週日: 休馆

地点:  3/F Block Thirty Seven, 108 North State Street, Chicago, IL 60602

免费入场 欢迎公眾参与

Local Collaborator: Chicago Design Museum

Nicol Boyd & Tomas Rosén | Alan Chan 陈幼坚 | Samuel Chan 陈维正 | Gary Chang 张智强 | Lu Lu Cheung 张路路 | Chiu Kwong Chiu 赵广超 | C.L. Lam 林纪樺 | Freeman Lau 刘小康 | James Law 罗发礼 | Lee Chi Wing 利志荣 | Lo Chi Wing 卢志荣 | Lo Kai Yin 罗啟妍 | Lo Sing Chin 卢声前 | Sharon de Lyster 曾思朗 | Elaine Yan Ling Ng 吴燕玲 | Kingsley Ng 伍韶劲 | Sammy Or 柯炽坚 | Julie Progin & Jesse Mc Lin | Otto Tang 邓晓滔 | Stanley Wong (黄炳培)

Disclaimer for the Chicago Edition of Confluence · 20+: Create Hong Kong of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region provides funding support to the project only, and does not otherwise take part in the project. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in these materials/events (or by members of the project team) are those of the project organisers only and do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Communications and Creative Industries Branch of the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau, Create Hong Kong, the CreateSmart Initiative Secretariat, the CreateSmart Initiative Vetting Committee or the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (New York).