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About Us PACT is a communications business that enables companies to drive customer loyalty through the effective engagement of employees. How? By helping align employee behaviour and customer experience with everything a brand promises, internally and externally. The result? Switched on employees that understand what is expected of them and customers that feel satisfied that you’ve delivered on your part of the deal. Get this right and you can expect improved business performance, increased market share and a whole host of other benefits.
Delivering the customer promise Why do customers buy from you? What are they expecting when they choose your brand, walk in to your bank, office, factory or store? How do you explain this to the people tasked with delivering on your promises? What experience are you aiming to give your customers and what behaviours do your employees need to bring this to life? We use the latest learning technology to show you how to help your employees understand what brand really stands for and how they can deliver an experience that keeps customers and clients coming back for more. We have delivered effective engagement solutions for organisations such as Accenture, BP, Coca-Cola, DFS, J.P. Morgan, KPMG, PepsiCo, Swire and more.
Our Services Culture & values definition Employer brand development Internal communications Employee research Digital and social media marketing