Design Directory
Fosa ltd
Visited: 50217
Offering comprehensive services from Urban Planning, architectural and interiors. FOSA is a network of specialist in architecture and urban development. We formulate strategic forms of collaboration with architects, building consultants, designers, artists, constructors and others to enter and focus on the emphasis of solving a singular problems to search for the right solution.We seek investigation on programme and context, testing aspects in spatiality, functionality and materiality to create an innovative, sensual and intuitive architecture. The client is considered as an integral part of the team in order to establish a platform which will allow the project to elevate beyond the norm of a design process. Cross-fertilization of ideas is an important ingredient within the interdisciplinary framework resulting in projects achieving greater level of expectation and also enable all to benefit from tradition, culture and design in order to progress life ahead within the emerging market and the global contemporary cultural conditions.