Design Directory

ConceptGlass (Hong Kong) Ltd

Visited: 58402

We are a "one-stop-shop" production company providing all around services,ranging from idea generation,We are specialize building and decorating,We also produce creative materials Graphic Arts Canvas and Glass,Tailor made wall fabric. Which were durable............

If you require immediate attention you can send us an e-mail at

We invite you to read what other satisfied customers have had to say about us on our

testimonials page or visit the web sites we suggest, with links to our suppliers, distributors,

customers or friends on our links page.

We have put together this site with an easy to use interface and will continue to improve your

online experience, if you have any feedback you would like to give us on the site or have any

questions whatsoever feel free to email us ConceptGlass Creative The Infinite Imagination Glass Interlayer , Wall Fabric ,Custom Arts Canvas.........

Design Experience
0 to 5 years
Company Employee
Less than 10
Design Nature
  • Architectural / Spatial Design
Client Profile
  • Hotel, Entertainment and Tourism
  • Interior Design & Construction
  • Property