More design awards go to...

Their T-Cafe project has just been awarded the Good Design Best 100 by Good Design Award (g-mark) from Japan. The “marvellous application” as commented by the judges was about using fender woods collected from the demolished Wan Chai Pier in Hong Kong to fabricate tables, benches, stools and “Ocean cubes”. The eroded wood was preserved with ocean-blue resin; the idea is to return the fender wood into the ocean, just like the old days at the pier.

Dimension Plus & Tomorrow Design Office -
Dimension Plus’s Oreo Vinyl and Tomorrow Design Office’s visual communication project for the Office of Honourable Kenneth Leung are the finalists of Best Design Award organised by Golden Pin Design Award in Taiwan. The result will be announced in early December.

Few more local design studios like eMotionLAB, studiomw, Milkxhake, ORANGE CHAN DESIGN have also been awarded the Design Mark at Golden Pin Design Award.

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Image source: Dimension Plus, LAAB, Tomorrow Design Office

image: Ocean cubes of LAAB

image: Oreo Vinyl of Dimension Plus

image: Oreo Vinyl of Dimension Plus

image: Kenneth Leung stationery of Tomorrow Design Office