Supporting Event - 100°C Opening Ceremony & Wastewater Bottle Art Exhibition
100°C is an initiative to raise public awareness and create a social impact on world alarming issues through art, design and architecture. 100°C aims to make a difference by bringing art and world alarm issues together through a series of art events each year.
This year, 100°C will take off with the theme 'Wastewater' to pay tribute to The United Nations’ World Water Day. Current insufficient and poor wastewater handling has directly affected our drinking water, as well as our ecosystem and health, particularly in developing countries where millions suffer from preventable water-related diseases. We hope to deliver the message to the public, and inspire actions.
As a part of the many events on the agenda, we will kick start with a charity exhibition, showcasing works from 25 artists worldwide who were invited to create on the mineral water bottle.
Activity information
Date: 22Mar - 04 Apr 2017
Venue: K11 Design Store,Shop 105, 110 & 111, Level 1, K11, 18 Hanoi Road, TST, Kowloon
Organiser: 100 degree